Saturday, March 17, 2012

Night Owl

Just need to change my expectations.  One way or another nights will be eventful.  Just grateful Annie wasn't the main event.  11 p.m. escort.  2 a.m. escort.  Back to bed, ding-ding, call nurse to adjust machine, settle down, really loud ding-ding...must be room next door?  Why isn't a nurse helping the patient next door?  Get up.  Ohhh, not the room next door, the fire alarm.  Great, I can see the headlines.  Luckily nothing came of it.  Now wait for all the adrenaline to dissipate ... "Mommy...."  4:30 finally fall asleep. 7:00 a.m. knock-knock, time to take blood.

My family has been in transition at both the oldest and youngest ends this week.  Also last night Katherine and Annie's 104-year-old, great-grandmother passed away.  The girls were prepared and at peace and Annie feels happy that her Nanny is safe in heaven.

Last day of ATG today starting after lunch.  Annie is deep in her imagination listening to the Harry Potter series books on tape.


  1. thinking of all of you and missing you

  2. I'm so sorry about your grandmother, Melissa. God bless you.
