Thursday, March 15, 2012


Since the ATG didn't start until 12:30, and there was no school to patch into, Annie had the morning free.  First she unplugged from the IV for a bit and took a shower.  Next she joined some other patients in the play room for arts and crafts and then they all wheeled their IV poles to the 6th floor to visit the library.  She is on the hematology/oncology floor so most of the children are on chemotherapy.  It's amazing how communities will form even in spite of tough situations.

Day two of the equine ATG went better.  I joked with Annie if she felt like a horse having all this horse serum in her body and she said yes, she felt like a mustang.  Now its not that she felt robust like a wild horse, but the mustang is her school mascot so it was a fond association for her.  There were periods of breaking out in a rash and she had discomfort in her calves most of the day.  They tested for electrolyte deficiencies that might cause the soreness and found she needed phosphorus.  Who knew we need phosphorous but it makes up 1% of our body weight.  Always stuff to learn.

So most of the day she napped and listened to stories.  Without needing to do ATG and blood transfusions tonight hopefully it will be less eventful!

1 comment:

  1. electrolyte deficiencies, phosphorus- it all makes sense now! Glad that mystery has been solved.

    Thinking good thoughts for Day Three :)
