Friday, March 30, 2012

If not one thing, another

As part of the roller coaster ride it seems some blood line is always causing a problem, but it rotates through as to which one.  Reds and whites and platelets - oh my!

Earlier in the week it was the ANC (part of the white count) that dropped and meant we sprang into home isolation mode.  This last blood test the ANC went back up to 540 (cleared for school) but the hemoglobin (reds) drifted down to 8.8 and the platelets are in the lowest, <5000, category.  Unfortunately this has led to two days of prolonged bloody noses (over 90 minutes each).  Today's required her coming home from school.  The medical team decided to transfuse so that is where Annie is at now.  Next blood test Monday.

Round and round and round we go where we stop nobody knows!


  1. We are sending lots of prayers and love.

  2. God I don't know how you guys deal with this! Still praying! All my Love,


  3. What I love is the humor you have in the face of this medical doo doo.
