Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Better homes and ... hospital rooms

Day 8: This is Annie's room from the outside.  We made a wreath for the door.  We were in the room next door last time and it looks the same.  That is the desk the nurse sat at for the four days she had ATG so she could watch her.

When people come in the room they get a yellow robe from the bottom right drawer of the desk.  Then they walk to her room's scrubbing station to the left of the door.  There hands are washed and masks and gloves are donned.  That machine to the left is what they use to check her vital signs every few hours day and night.  They check blood pressure, temperature and pulse with it.  The orange and green signs on and near the door are specific to her.  One is a chemo warning and the other a MRSA warning.  We can put a shade down over the window for privacy but we like to keep it up during the day so we can see what's going on in the hall.  Surprising things happen out there like the other day when the nurses did a flashmob to "I will survive."

1 comment:

  1. I missed the show! I hope she will be leaving the room soon!
