Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Meanwhile back in Ithaca

Day 22: Odysseus might have had to deal with his home being overrun with his wife's suitors but we found our home overrun with gophers.  Big mounds have been popping up all over our yard this past month but today we got the report that our trusty no-pesticide, gopher-guy has the upper hand.  This is good news because we're still on track to bring Annie home on Friday and she's supposed to steer clear of fresh dirt among the other gazillion things we learned about in our one-hour debriefing today.  Annie's counts also continued their epic journey and ANC and platelets continued to progress while hemoglobin stood still, which is better than dropping.

We also had some hands-on training with a doll to review how to care for Annie's port.  The blue disk on the left side of the doll is the one opening through which this entire process occurred.  The device to the right is a safety clamp that protects the line from being pulled out by mistake.  The red and blue ends are her double lumens through which things go in and blood can come out.  There is regular care required of the site so the nurse provided training.  I asked Annie to videotape the training however we just ended up with a video of the two of us arguing.  It went something like this...

(irritated) Mom, let me do it.
(irritated) No, I'm learning it.
Mom, I know how to do it.
Fine but I have to do it.
Mom, give me the tape, I've seen this a hundred times.
The nurse is teaching me, you're taking the video.
Here Mom like this...

It just goes on and on like that the whole time.  I can't imagine what the nurse was thinking.

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