Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bottoms up

Annie's appointment today was pretty uneventful and, for us, uneventful is good.  Still nothing to conclude about the treatment so far and her chemistry panel from Monday was fine except for her BUN was high and this means she needs to drink more water.

Making sure Annie drinks enough water has been a major part of our lives for the past six years.  Being on high doses of cyclosporine puts you at risk for renal failure and drinking a lot of water is the only protection.  Annie is part camel and would prefer not to drink all day so this adds to the fun of keeping her hydrated.  For a while I used to go to her school every lunch and snack to make sure she washed her hands, drank water and stayed out-of-trouble.  Luckily she has taken on some of this responsibility as she has gotten older however we still have to stay on her throughout the day.  At home we set a timer to go off every 15 minutes to remind her to have a swig of water.  At school it's hit or miss.  We try to set up systems, leave notes, and hassle/scare/bribe her in to compliance.  The alternative is unacceptable so I guess it's time to expand our efforts.  Next time you see Annie maybe ask to see her cool water bottle and if she'll show you how it works :)

Her CSA was 229 so we're off the hook for a blood test until next week.  However a side-effect of an oral rinse she has to use is stained teeth.  This has really begun to bug Annie as her friends notice the discoloration so its time for some stain removal.  Dental appointments have to be timed to coincide with a platelet transfusion and antibiotics.  Thus next Wednesday she'll have a blood test, antibiotic dose and platelet transfusion followed by a dental visit Thursday.

So until next Wednesday we'll hope for lots of hydration and keeping Annie healthy and out of trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Last night I read this entry to my mom and aunts (all nurses). You definitely have their thoughts and prayers and so much admiration coming your way. God bless.
