Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 100!

     This is Tom writing. Today is Day 100, a significant milestone in a Bone Marrow Transplant. It represents two different things. First, like any milestone it is a chance to reflect on the past (e.g. "I just turned 40 and still have my hair... good."). For us, this reflection is almost 100% positive. Prior to the transplant, we had "the consultation", a meeting with our doctor where she laid out all of the incredibly scary things that could happen. Essentially none of them did happen. Yes, there were hurdles along the way (hurdles which now seem like bumps). However, given what could have gone wrong, we're incredibly blessed that things went so well. Second, Day 100 represents a change in the rules for the future. Gone are the masks (though we still do have to be careful around sick people). Gone or much relaxed are many of the rules Annie has been living under. To celebrate we went out to a favorite restaurant to celebrate (see the picture above). Soon you'll see Annie at many of her favorite haunts.
     Our we completely out of the woods yet? No. Annie will still be on fairly heavy-duty medication for a full year. She'll still have many rules to follow (such as staying out of the sun). Plus, no new puppies for us for a while. Plus, there's still some chances of bad things happening, though those chances diminish every day. However, at this milestone we are definitely cheering!


  1. Hip Hip HA-Ray!

    Congratulations on your 100 Day Milestone!

    Julianne, We Love You! You are a super girl!!

  2. This is amazing news for an amazing group of people. Enjoy your day! And all your days thereafter!
