Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rained out

Never a dull moment at my house.  By Monday night it was clear that every part of Annie, except her nose, was determined to bleed and things were getting worse.  Thus off for a platelet transfusion Tuesday morning.  Not fun but there was something special around the bend to keep the spirits up.  Tom and the girls had a "last hurrah before transplant" overnight at Disneyland planned for the weekend.

Friday was a focused push to get weekend homework done so all that was left was fun.  Friday at dinner-time (what is it about dinner-time and disaster for us) Annie came down with heavy chills.  We have a sheet of paper with a list of symptoms that require an immediate hospital visit/call and this is one of them.  Temperature? 102+ and yup that's also on the list.  Thus another trip to the ER although this time we knew we'd be admitted.  Arriving at the ER around 8 p.m. means getting a room by, oh, 3 a.m.  but what do you expect, Disneyland?

But of course that's what the girls did expect, so this has been a big disappointment.  However it's also - yet another - chance "to make lemonade out of lemons."  Frankly we're pretty tired of lemonade around here but it's the best we have.  Katherine is in fact currently trying to use the bed-controls to simulate an amusement park ride.  They tried making Halloween masks although we forgot adhesive and they won't give us scissors (?) so we could only muster up hospital tape, thus they looked fairly absurd (see the 3/17 entry for other fabulous creations with hospital tape).  Luckily Annie's fever is under control and, if it stays that way, she can go home tomorrow.  Her hemoglobin was back down to 7.4 so she's getting a blood transfusion now.  If we're lucky maybe we could avoid a hospital visit during the week although I really try not to get my mind set on anything these days.


  1. Missing out on Disneyland is a major bummer. There's no way around feeling disappointed and you have been drinking lemonade by the barrel.

    I really am praying hard that there will be a permanent solution. May God continue to guide the doctors and nurses who take care of Annie and her family. Lots of love.

  2. More Prayers are on the way!!! Love you little Annie!! keep our chin up!
