Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Learning to dance in the rain

We've been a bit mixed around between graduation activities and coordinating Annie's appointments but I finally have information to post.  Her counts Monday were plt 9000, hmg 10.1, ANC 890 and CSA 251.  Her "bleeding events" are becoming problematic so we have a platelet transfusion planned for Friday and a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

Being graduation season I am reminded of a student's yearbook quotation which has helped us a lot.  It is, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain."  This is one of the things Annie's condition has taught all of us - that you can't wait for everything to be "right" to find things to be happy about.  I think this has helped Annie stay positive in spite of the challenges.  That's her above doing a tap dance to "Singing in the Rain" with her friend in the school talent show.

Thus, although we're still waiting for some sign things are improving, we're all choosing to be happy anyways.  If we learn anything telling at our appointment this week I'll post, otherwise we'll wait until her next blood test, early next week.

Thanks and congratulations to all our graduates!


  1. Prayers every night for Annie. "Talking" to Fred a lot about it too.

  2. Hemoglobin 10.1? I think that's the best one I've seen 1 week post transfusion for Annie (I'm sure you've been crunching the numbers too). And platelets 9000 seems better than the <5000 she used to have. As always, I'm trying to find the bright side. It's funny, the quote about learning to dance in the rain has been on my mind a lot lately too, as I tend to wait too long for the storms to clear in my life instead of just accepting the storm and venturing out into the rain.
