Monday, April 23, 2012

Fill 'r Up

Although Annie kept it together for the weekend she was really running on empty.  Today's hemoglobin was the lowest we've seen (although that's just because they transfused before this point at the other hospital).  The stats are hmg 4.6, plt 7,000 and ANC 240.  So today she's having a major refueling - a bag and a half of red and, hopefully, a bag of platelets.  I say hopefully because she is having trouble tolerating the transfusions and they have to slow the rate to the lowest speed.  This ward closes at 6 p.m. so if she can't get it all in she has to come back tomorrow.  All these pokes have become a problem and she's running out of viable veins.  So again we're looking into a more permanent line.  It's hard to know which type, if at all, since we are still midstream in this procedure and different types are better for different situations.  We'll be gathering information and weighing options over the next few days.  In the meantime we hope to increase her transfusion rate and get her finished today.  We're also hoping to wait until next Monday for labs since her medication levels seem to be in range and, with today's refueling, she should make it a week.  So I'll post if we learn anything new or make any important decisions otherwise no news means she fueled up today and is keeping up her routine until next Monday.

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