Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cautiously and gratefully entering the holidays

Late, late, late in many ways including posting an update!  Annie had her appointment almost two weeks ago and, while her counts had drifted down some, they basically remained in the normal range and her doctor was only positive.  She also has had to manage dry skin here and there but this is on the best case scenario of GVHD so we're just very grateful on that front so far.

We've been fundamentally changed by this experience and I can't imagine we'll ever rest easy again but, on the flip side, we've learned to be just fine not resting easy.  With thoughtful advice from "team Annie" we requested her immunizations be spread out over time so she only had two shots last visit.  That will continue with two each month until she has received all seven due by this age.

Annie moves forward mostly unconcerned by all this.  Instead she was worried about her first experience with final exams and juggling her end-of-year events.

Thank you for all the support and prayers in 2013 and before.  We couldn't have made it this far alone.
Next appointment January 13.  Hope your holidays are filled with blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a blessed Christmas! I wish Annie nothing short of happiness and good health in 2014. Xoxo
