Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gone Fishing

Time to catch up again....  Since Annie needs to stay close to the hospital as we don't know when she'll have a "bleeding event" and need a transfusion, there are no plans to travel this summer.  However, considering being her caregiver is a 24-7 job, a little R&R is in order.  Thus we must split up so as to keep one parent on duty.  Katherine and I took our break last week so, although I'm behind on the updates, I'm caught up on sleep.  Thursday's appointment required hmg as it had dropped into the 6 range.  Platelets were 6,000 but, again, they don't want to transfuse those unless she is having a significant bleeding event.  Her next labs were for Monday and hmg 8.9, plt 6000, ANC 1200.  No transfusion but she did have a nosebleed that evening that took four hours to contain and poor Tom was on his own.  They increased her cyclosporin levels so another poke Friday to check those values.  We've kept her nose to a slow ooze or nothing and her mouth seems quiet at the moment.  She has been feeling pretty good and keeping up her activities for the most part.

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