Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Make way for ducklings

Day 21: Big day in our little pond.  The GCSF pushed Annie's ANC to 2.1 and her platelets keep going up.  The hemoglobin hasn't caught on yet so she'll probably get a transfusion in a day or so but that is to be expected.  The normal ANC count meant Annie could leave the room and attend group today.  Group is when the kids on the floor, who are well enough, get together in a special room and bond.  All 18 patient rooms are full and, unusually, the majority are transplant patients versus the usual cancer-treatment patients.  Group was basically Annie and a bunch of teen-aged boys.  There happen to be a number of musicians on the floor so they apparently had a jam session.  She's past curfew again so I haven't gotten the full scoop yet.

When any of us leave the room, Annie included, this is our uniform.  It is also what everyone who comes in the room must wear.  We call it our duckling uniform.  I happen to be doing a ninja duck impression.

We also learned today that our duckling will be migrating back home on Friday!  So now we're all in a flutter trying to get our house-hospital ready, getting trained to care for Annie at home and packing up.  As you can see from the background of the picture we turned our room into a playground so it will take some time to pack it up!


  1. What great news and such a relief!

  2. Yay! Good going, ducklings, all around! Cinnia Smith is bringing some trinkets home, and the Smiths are going to relay them to you.
