Friday, May 3, 2013


Annie had her surgery this morning.  Tom kept me posted via text messages throughout the morning.  Something to the effect of, "Done, still asleep," "Awake, still groggy," "Heading home."  After that last one I asked how Annie was doing, then how Tom was doing.  It sounded like Tom was a little worn down so I was trying to send back supportive messages.  After a bit of this I get another text explaining that Tom had not been texting me, he had gone off to get the car, and it was Annie tricking me the entire time.  Thus I'm guessing she is doing OK.  Tomorrow she'll go back to the hospital to have her dressing changed and then it's hair cut time.

Her hair will fall out due to the chemo and radiation.  In the process of killing her stem cells all other fast growing cells will also get wiped out.  When she was four this made no sense to her so she refused to let us cut her hair.  Later she was very cross when long pieces of hair were stuck all over her and the bed.  Since she remembers that she agreed to the cut this time.  We'll save her long hair in case she decides she would like a wig made from it.  At this point she doesn't think she wants one, as was the case last time.  We'll get a short, stylish cut tomorrow since it will still be a week or so before it falls out. Once that starts she'll have the short cut buzzed by her sister.  While it all sounds unpleasant from the outside it's part of trying to have fun with what we can for us.  Will post the new hair-do tomorrow.

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