Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Scary Movie

Warning, this is kind of a gross entry.  I'd say our lives can get to about 80% normal and we can even forget for a while what's coming but then we get a shocker of a reminder.  The most recent came last Thursday night.  I went to bed early only to be awoken by Tom at 12:30 informing me that he'd been up with Annie for three hours dealing with a bloody nose.  No problem, I was rested and could take over.  However an hour later (here's the gross part) Annie proceeded to cough up, in one big batch, over two cups of clotted blood.  Uh huh gross - like the stuff you figure must be fake in the movies.  Apparently she'd been swallowing blood for those four hours and her stomach was none too thrilled.  So it was off to the ER for Tom and Annie where they remained until returning home at 6:30 in the morning after a platelet and blood transfusion.  This was the second emergency hospital visit for this kind of episode and what's really unfortunate is that her blood counts did not require a transfusion otherwise.

At Monday's appointment we discussed this fact with her doctor who suggested we meet with an ENT to see if there was anything else we could do (we already use nose spray, tons of liquids, humidifiers, vaseline...).  That appointment is coming up on the 29th.  We also learned there is a new donor who is an 11/12 match.  Again we'll never get a perfect match but this is better in a few ways.  We are still waiting to hear if we are a go for May.  In the meantime, despite the drama, Annie popped back to her old self and has continued on with her activities.

In calling up this blog to update by mistake I typed in the address of an old blog that I had forgotten.  It chronicles her relapse and our Odyssey from 2007-2009.  I'm not going to read it, living it was enough, but for the record it is

Next appointment still getting scheduled but probably a week from Monday.

1 comment:

  1. 11/12ths sounds great!! Sorry to hear of another visit ti the ER!
