Monday, May 21, 2012


Well she made it through the Girl Scout camping extravaganza which included seven runs on the zip line!  She is on the left in the video above.  Luckily no bloody noses and, while she had a few extra bruises, they were no worse than what she manages to get even when we keep her home. She did have to follow her own program for a few activities such as skip hikes and stay outside the mine excavation (one of her greatest threats is a fungal infection).  Today's blood counts also showed that enough of last Wednesday's transfusion is sticking around to hopefully avoid a transfusion this week.  Hmg 9.2, plt 11,000, ANC 760 and CSA 240.  Hopefully we can skip the second blood draw this week.  So, if all goes well, I'll post after next Tuesday's draw (as Monday is Memorial Day).

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