Friday, April 20, 2012

Flip flop

So normally it's us trying to convince the medical team Annie should get a transfusion but today that was flip-flopped.  We got a call in the morning saying Annie should come in for a transfusion as her hemoglobin was down to 5.4 (her platelets were 34,000 and ANC 370).  We couldn't believe it was so low as she had made it through three days of school without complaint and was like her old self last night dancing around the house and singing - something we haven't seen in a couple months.  We were certain her hemoglobin had gone up; why we thought we should feel certain about anything considering our track record is beyond me.  Any how we explained our logic to the nurse and we all agreed to make a transfusion appointment for Monday and have her blood draw at the hospital so she has only one poke.  Thus we'll keep a close eye on her this weekend and hopefully not need to make any hospital visits until then.


  1. I loved reading that Annie was feeling so much better. Now we just need those blessed numbers to correspond appropriately.

  2. Does this drop in hemoglobin mean that her iron overload has decreased, or are her iron levels independent from her hgb levels? Just curious :)
