Sunday, January 4, 2015


Annie had another appointment with normal blood counts and a shot of immunizations on the side.  Doctor visits are becoming the more routine part of life with Annie while having a teenager is the more challenging part.  As I oft bemoaned during particularly difficult parts of Annie's illness, having bad luck doesn't then mean we get a pass on other tough stuff.  However it is nice to not have both the trials of her illness and having a teenager.

Annie has been able to experience team sports for the first time in nine years.  It was joyful and quiet funny to watch her play basketball at a level you'd more expect from someone younger.  She dribbled the ball in the wrong direction, didn't know what to do during the "good-game" high fives at the end of the match and relished each moment she got to be in the game.  Annie also has regained her weight, height and hair as shown in this time lapse video.  Next appointment in February.